The coaches used for the purpose of Palace on Wheels were earlier originally meant to be the personal railway coaches of the people from royalty. They comprised of the erstwhile rulers of the princely states of Gujarat and Rajputana, the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Viceroy of British India. After independence, Indian Railways did not utilize these coaches for a long time, because of their exquisite and traditional interiors.
On 26th January 1982, Palace on Wheels started its inaugural trip as the first of its kind luxury train. The train started operating on a regular basis from October 1982. The old train was replaced by the new, air-conditioned Palace of Wheels, in the year 1991. It comprised of 13 salons, 2 restaurants, a kitchen car, a bar-cum-lounge and 4 service cars. Numerous renovations were carried later on. Today, Palace on Wheels rates amongst the top ten luxury trains of the world.